Monday, October 31, 2011


I have a little Halloween story for you. I hope you enjoy it. It all started early this morning, today being Halloween, it only seems appropriate. In previous years I have encountered scary monsters in white and brown and grey; each a terror in the night. Like ghosts visiting Uncle Scrooge they come one after the other. Some of them had sprouted wings like fairies or bats; clothing torn and dirty; some claimed magical powers and others looked like the result of the same such threats. While many faces were benign, almost cute, most were gruesome and dripped with what appeared to be human blood. But none of them were as scary as the ones I met today.

It began with an appointment which came by way of a long time friend. The way was dark and unfamiliar, only my GPS to guide me as I struggled to find a path through the excessive obstacles blocking my journey. My husband had tried to stop me, and I let him for a brief moment, but now I was alone. Finally, I found a place to leave my transportation behind and proceed on foot through the trees toward a stone structure. Once inside I found myself within a cavernous room with only a small light near the door. The witch took my name and made demands of me sending me away with little thought. So I waited for what seemed an eternity before another came for me, dragging me into a small hallway and then beyond to a very small cell. As I sat upon the cold shelf I was given a window into the future where I watched such horrors I wanted to scream and look away. A single tear fought its way down my check. "Maybe its not too late. Maybe I can still escape." But I knew the truth, it was too late and my fate was sealed. Finally. the window closed. Then HE walked into my tiny chamber and reached toward me. I cringed in fear. The smile on his lips didn't match the look in his eyes and he responded with a slow gravelly voice and a heavy accent, "You will do fine. We will take care of you. You won't feel a thing. My assistant will come for you soon." As he left my cell I'm sure I heard a long, low Hide-like laugh rolling down the corridor I had just traveled myself. My heart began to skip beats as I waited for his 'assistant'. What entered wore horizontal stripes from head to toe and bore whiskers extending from her checks. Her words caused my heart to stop and my blood to freeze in my veins: "OK, hun, we've got you down a week from today for your first -- Colonoscopy"


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Did God Create the Universe?

I just finished watching 'Did God Create the Universe' on the Discovery Channel. It is based on Steven Hawking's theories about the beginning of the universe and questions the existence of God. I have always believed in the magnificence of the human mind; it’s ability to think, contemplate upon observations of the world around us and devise mathematical equations to express the logical, beautiful, simplicity of its natural laws. I have always felt that Steven Hawking, while trapped in a cruel body, was a genius blessed with the ability to spend all his time in great thought. Seeing his ideas about the beginning of the universe and understanding his belief that because time began with the Big Bang there can be no God. Let me say with utmost and sincere feeling: “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!”


I realize that you have been trapped in a body that refuses to perform in a normal way, but don't let that box you in by only considering four dimensions? Several scientists have speculated on the existence of dimensions outside of the dimension of time. I thought I read somewhere that some scientist had actually discovered a sixth dimension?

Please consider this: How does a person with an inferior mind, an inferior education, a limited intelligence and limited access to time for serious thought understand what Mr. Hawking seems to have missed? Yes, I am a Christian, but I also embrace science and if you’re going to present an idea or theory to contradict the existence of God, please make it something that is scientifically accurate. It would take a Viking to not consider that God is (I believe the word is) non-corporeal or outside the boundaries of time. Really, Mr. Hawking, think about this and get back with me, I’d like to hear a real answer. One that doesn’t make fun of the church for something as stupid as claiming a natural law of God as heresy. Just because he was the Pope don’t make him a genius.

I think it is sad that a man living such a limited life here on earth; who has the ability to dream such great and powerful dreams and is able to influence so many people is willing to through away the possibility of receiving a new, whole body in a Heaven simply because he is not open minded enough to believe that our world and the time we live in was created by an omniscient, loving God. No your condition is not because God hates you, and the only curse you are under is the same one we are all under as members of this world. And, yes, life is unfair, but didn’t your parents tell you this world isn’t fair? God promises that he loves us and that if we believe in the saving power of his son, we will be set free. Though I have to admit the thing I am most often set free from is myself.

I will always pray for you Steven. And you may never agree with me (remember God granted you free will to think and decide for yourself), but that’s just the way I see it.

God bless you!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Is Justice Blind or Just Asleep

Please pray for my son and grandson. My son faces a family court judge, having been asked to produce evidence that doesn’t exist. His son’s mother (they were never married) has convinced the Attorney General he is lying and is hidding money. My husband has been supporting him, myself and our daughter for the last 6 months. My son has nothing. From our perspective, it seems that my grandbaby's mother is playing the system. She’s mixing the cool-aid and everyone is lapping it up. Why is it that that our society automatically believes that all men are bad dads and that moms are always good. Some moms only want the kid as a source of income. And not all parents grow up when they have kids. The laws of the State of Texas allow for fairness, but the courts have ignored the laws for expediency. Don’t they realize that our childrens’ futures, and sometimes their lives, are at stake?

Please explain to me why a good God would leave a child in a non-Christian home, he constantly says he doesn’t want to go home to, when there is a loving family who would love to have him? I know His hand is in this, I just don’t see it. My heart breaks every time my grandbaby asked me why I make him go back to Mommy’s house. How do you explain to a three year old about the court system and judges without making him hate the system? If you assume he can understand you. My son’s lawyer did such a bad job of protecting the rights of my son and protecting the life of his son that my son won’t even request a free lawyer. He has learned not to trust the justice system, I have lost faith in them as well. I don’t loose faith in God, I just wish He would do something.

My grandson has night terrors, but those who have the power choose to believe that all fathers are liars and all mothers are angels. The bible tells us that even Satan comes as an Angel of Light and calls him the Father of Lies. I thought our justice system was blind. I think the system is ‘blindsided’. Justice is blind and someone has placed false weights on her scales. Justice can not be blind and truly judge fairly. I know the judicial system is overloaded and the members of court are tired, but is Justice really blind or just asleep behind the mask?

We go to the polls and vote on our judges, but do we really know anything about the people we vote into office? I don't. These men and women make and change our laws and constitution based on what is right or wrong, or how overworked they are.

Please, Holy Father God, we don't really deserve anything good, but You tell us that you have given it to us anyway. Show yourself to my grandchild, to my son and to the world what a Great Father you are. Amen